Email: clarelle.carruthers@manaiakalani.org
Blog: clarelledavis.blogspot.com
Class Site: Team 3 - Pt England School
Kia Ora and welcome to my Manaiakalani Class Onair page for 2022. My name is Clarelle Carruthers and I am a year 3/4 teacher at Pt England School, in Auckland New Zealand. This year we are lucky to have a large open space which we share with one other class.
Room 23 and I are excited to share our learning Journey with you as we continue to learn, create and share in our 1-1 iPad classroom.
The lessons you will see below show, whole class and small group lessons. Each lesson is planned based on the needs of the class or a group of students.
Please feel free to contact me using the information below.
Hope you enjoy our lessons.
Term 1: "The Pt England Way"
This term our focus is on developing strong values and understanding our responsibilities as members of our class and our school.
Term 2: "We Know the Way"
This term our focus is on computational thinking, directions and position.
Term 3: "Art Works"
This term our focus is on the arts and our team is integrating visual art, drama, dance and music throughout our learning program.
Term 4: "Mana Tū Mitey You"
This term our focus is on student well being and metnal health. Our overall focus for our team this term is to learn which strategies can we use to manage our emotions.
Clarelle Carruthers
Pt England School
Auckland, New Zealand
Manaiakalani Education Trust
PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes
Auckland, New Zealand