Kia Ora, Hello and welcome to Room 19 a year 4 classroom at Pt England School, in Auckland New Zealand. I am Clarelle Carruthers and this is my third year sharing my classroom through Manaiakalanai Class Onair.
I am excited to share our learning progress with you as we learn, create and share in our 1-1 Chromebook Classroom. This will be the first year for this learners using Chromebooks so we have a lot to learn.
The lessons you will see below show lots of different lessons each lesson is planned base on the needs of the class or a group of students.
Please feel free to contact me using the information below.
Term 1: Cherish our treasures - Tiaki taonga
This term our focus is on understanding what our treasures are and how we can cherish and protect these taonga.
Term 2: Watch This Space
This term our focus is on Planet Earth and Beyond. The students are learning about the sun and the moon and the effects they have on the Earth.
Term 3: Healthy Me, Healthy You
This term our focus is on Health and Physical Education. The students are learning about how our actions can create a healthy lifestyle. After a very short 3.5 weeks of school, we ended up on a Covid-19 Level 4 Lockdown and went directly into online Distance Learning.
Term 4: My Voice, My choice
This term, we will be exploring the differences between wants and needs. We will also be looking at how our choices affect the world around us. The episodes during this term, were filmed during Auckland's Level 3 Lockdown.
Clarelle Carruthers
Pt England School
Auckland, New Zealand
Manaiakalani Education Trust
PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes
Auckland, New Zealand