Email: jones@marshland.school.nz
Blog: sjonesmarshland.blogspot.com
Class Site: Pukeko Hub Site 2022
Kia Ora and welcome to my Manaiakalani Class OnAir episodes for 2022. This is my seventh year teaching in Christchurch, New Zealand and fifth year teaching at Marshland School - an ILE and digital learning environment.
This year I am part of a 3 teacher collaboration. We each have a wonderful home group of Year 2 children who together make up the Pukeko Hub at Marshland School. Our Year 2 children will have access to ipads to support and extend their learning opportunities this year.
My lessons will be primarily Literacy based however I will also show lessons from other curriculum areas. During these lessons you will see, whole class, small group and pair interactions. These lessons will be based around meeting both the whole class, individual learning goals and the Learn, Create, Share model.
I’m looking forward to sharing with you what the Perky Pukeko’s and I get up to in the Pukeko Hub this year! Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or queries with the information below.
Term 1: Connections
Term 2: Connections
Term 3: Connections
Term 4: "Term Topic Focus"
This term our focus is on
Manaiakalani Education Trust
PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes
Auckland, New Zealand