Direct Instruction
The learning focus for this lesson was for children to be able to measure the area of a shape using non standard units.
This is a whole class lesson done as a part of our Geometry and Measurement strand unit. The children were first tasked with drawing a shape, measuring it with non standard units and taking a photo of this. The children were then guided to create a Pic Collage with their photo and a statement sharing the area of their shape.
Reflection: I was pleased with the pace of this lesson and believe that it featured a lot more student involvement. I think that the learning intention was clear, and that children were able to show their understanding of it through the task. The children enjoyed getting to be hands on when measuring their shape with non standard units.
Things to note: I'm still working on my filming skills! Apologies for the glare seen on children's ipad screens.
Class Site Content
WALT: Measure area with non-standard units.
Watch the video and look at the pictures to learn about area.
Draw a small shape on a whiteboard and use the beans or cubes to measure it.
Take a picture of your shape.
Create a Pic Collage - insert your photo and write about the area.
Share your Pic Collage on your blog.