Kia Ora, Hello and welcome to my Manaiakalani Google Class OnAir episodes for 2019. I am a year 3 teacher at Pt England School, in Auckland New Zealand. I teach in a shared space with one other teacher and our learners access their learning through our class site and use a school supplied iPad as their primary learning tool.
The main apps we use are Explain Everything, Google Drive and The Manaiakalani Blogging app as these support our learn, create, share pedagogy and allows learning to be designed by the teachers to meet the specific needs of the learners.
In these lessons you will see that teaching often takes place in small-groups which allows for differentiation based on individual learning needs.
Please feel free to contact me using the information below.
Term 1: The Pt England Way & Kia Pai Te Kotahi - Better Together
This term our focus is on establishing a clear understand of the school values and what we need to do to be a great learner at Pt England School.
Term 2: I Like Your Latitude
This term our focus is on computational thinking, direction and position. Our Inquiry question is, How do I use directions, instructions and symbols in my everyday life?
Term 3: Something in the water
This term our focus is on the living world and the features that sea creatures have developed to help them live in a range of different situations.
Term 4: Life's a Stage
This term our focus is drama and dance. We will acting, creating and performing plays and dances throughout the term.
Clarelle Carruthers
Pt England School
Auckland, New Zealand
Manaiakalani Education Trust
PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes
Auckland, New Zealand