Submit a LessonByte

Contribute your creative lesson plans to our growing library and get rewarded! Share your ideas to support fellow educators, make a positive impact, and earn a little extra for yourself.

For each successful LessonByte submission, the Manaiakalani Education Trust will provide a gift card valued at $75 as a gesture of appreciation*. 

*This card is a token of thanks and does not constitute formal payment or compensation.

Have an Idea

Identify a lesson or resource from your repertoire that would make a great addition to our LessonBytes library. 

You can explore existing LessonBytes for inspiration or review the FAQ doc or submission form to understand the criteria. 

At this stage, please consult with your School Principal, as they will be notified upon your submission.

Prepare and Submit

Adjust your lesson or resource to ensure it meets our criteria. 

Typically, LessonBytes are collections of resources that other teachers can incorporate into their planning. This might involve breaking down your resources or making them more generic (e.g., removing specific class or group details).

You'll also need to create a short video (under 60 seconds) explaining your resources and provide a brief lesson guide to help others unpack your LessonByte.

 Await Review

Once submitted, your LessonByte will be reviewed by the Manaiakalani Team. Please allow some time for this process, as different team members may review submissions based on the topic covered. 

If any revisions are needed, you'll be notified via email and will have the opportunity to resubmit at any time.

Enjoy Your Reward!

After your LessonByte is accepted, the Manaiakalani Education Trust will send you a gift card as a token of appreciation for your valuable contribution. 

Think of it as a little thank you for sharing your creativity and expertise with our community.