Hinewa Taurima
Email: hinewa.taurima@manaiakalani.org
Blog: whanauihi21.blogspot.com
Class Site: Whānau Ihi 2021
Tēnā koe, nau mai haere mai ki tōku paetukutuku Akomanga ā Irirangi. He kaiako au ki Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Rito, e whakaako ana au i ngā tauira Tau 3 me te 4. Koinei tōku tau tuarua ki te kaupapa Akoamanga ā Irirangi
Kia ora and welcome to my Manaiakalani Google Class OnAir episodes for 2021. I am currently teaching a year 3 & 4 class at Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Rito, in Ōtaki, New Zealand. We are a full immersion school, our entire curriculum and teaching instruction is in Te Reo Māori, along with all of our communication.
I currently have 14 wonderful tamariki in my classroom, each of them have access to their own school supplied iPad. We are at the beginning of our journey of using these tools to assist in our learning, so please join us while we navigate our way through this new and exciting chapter.
Ki te hiahia koe te whakapā mai, if you'd like to get in contact with me, please feel free to using the email and blog information provided.
Term 1: Te Moana nui ā Kiwa
Ko Kupe, Ko Maui, Ko Kiwa.
E aro ana mātou ki Te Moana nui ā Kiwa, me ngā kaiwhakatere waka o Poronīhia. Ōtira ko ngā kōrero o neherā mō te hūnga nei.
Term 2: Ko ngā motu o Te Moana Nui ā Kiwa
Ko Tuvalu te aronga ō te Whānau Ihi. Ko te reo, ko ngā kai, ko ngā mahi toi. ko ngā ahuatanga kātoa. Ko ngā pānga o huringa ahurangi hoki!
Term 3: Te ine me te whakatau tata
Nā te huanga mai o te noho ki te kāinga anō i te wāhanga nei, ko te noho wehewehe (distancing) tētahi o ngā aronga i puta mai, ā, i huri hei kaupapa ako.
Term 4: Te Hekenga Mai o ngā Waka ki Aotearoa
Ko te kanikani Tik Tok me te tuku tohutohu tētahi o ngā mahi whakangahau mō te mutunga o te tau. Ōtira ko te mahi Taunga nō te whenu pangarau. Ko te hiahia kia whai wāhi he tūhuratanga taunga mō nga uri o ngā waka i heke mai ki Aotearoa.
Manaiakalani Education Trust
PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes
Auckland, New Zealand