Direct Instruction / Te Akoranga
Ko te whainga ako mō te akoranga nei he titiro mehemea e piki ana te pāmahana o te kohauhau. He aha hoki tēnei mea te "pānga o te whare kakariki" Koinei te wāhanga tuarua o te akoranga o mua mai. Tirohia te Episode 7.
The learning intention for this lesson is to find out if the temperature is rising in the atmosphere. As well as what the "greenhouse effect" is. This is part 2 of a previous lesson. Check out Episode 7.
Ka kitea ki te kiriata nei i tō mātou wānanga i ngā kohinga raraunga nō te whakamātau pūtaiao. He whakawhitinga kōrero mō te piki, mō te heke rānei o te pamahana. Ōtira he aha e pēnei ana, he aha hoki ōna pānga.
This video shows our discussion after the initial experiment. This includes discussing the data we gathered, whether or not the temperature is rising, why that might be happening and the effects it's causing.
Reflection / Arotake
He mīharo te rongo i ngā whakaaro ā ngā tamariki nei! He hohonu te whakaaro, he whānui hoki ngā māramatanga.
Our discussions are always interesting, and hearing them explain their understand in their own words is always really insightful and it always leads us in another direction than what I'd initially planned for. I enjoy this though, it feels a lot more authentic when it is student-interest-lead. I would have preferred to have had this conversation after lunch, I could see a few of them getting so restless when I watch it back.
Things to note
There's a bit of footage that was removed because we went off on another subject, it related to climate change but directly to this lesson.
We went on to look more at the greenhouse effect after this day. And the following lesson is another experiment looking at sea ice vs land ice and the warming of the oceans.