Kia ora and welcome to my Manaiakalani Google Class OnAir site. This is my third year teaching in a 1-1 Digital learning environment, and at Pt England School, Auckland, New Zealand.
I am excited to for the first time, to be teaching Year 6 learners in the senior school, who all have their very own Chromebook as their basic learning tool.
The children love receiving feedback from you so make sure you check out their blogs and please leave a comment or two.
If you have any questions or comments about any of the lessons or activities you see on this site please contact me using the links below.
Term 1: Kaitiakitanga I Ngā Wa Katoa - Respect
This term our focus is on on how we show respect to our peers, school and our school environment. We will also be looking at respecting our home environment, and our whānau and caregivers. Learners will understand what the word respect actually means, and why it is important to show respect in our lives.
Term 2: I like to Move It!
This term our inquiry is around a section of the learning area of Science called The Physical World. In particular, we are focusing on how things move, forces and flight.
Mia Szymanik
Point England School
Auckland, New Zealand