Kia ora and welcome to my Manaiakalani Google Class OnAir episodes for 2020. This is my fifth year teaching in a 1-1 Digital learning environment and I am currently teaching at Pt England School in Auckland, New Zealand.
I teach year 7/8 students who use Chromebooks to access their learning. I work in a team of 6 teachers and we have different classes for different areas of the curriculum. You will see a range of lessons from each of these classes.
You will see me facilitate lessons to the whole class and to small groups. These groups often change as they are needs based.
This year I am focussing on generating more discussion and debate in my classroom.
Please feel free to contact me using the information below.
Term 1: Hope
This term our focus is on discovering more about our identity and how we can maintain good mental, physical, spiritual and social health.
Term 2: We are the world
This term our focus is on science and the living world. We are investigating the different spheres of the earth and the impact humans have on them.
Term 3: A world of difference
This term our focus is on storytelling and myths and legends from around the world
Term 4: Art Alive; Toi Ora
This term our focus is on visual arts.
Danni Stone
Pt England School
Manaiakalani Education Trust
PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes
Auckland, New Zealand