Episode 5, Term 2.mp4

Direct Instruction / Te Akoranga

Ko te whainga ako mō te akoranga nei he titiro ki te rahinga wai i runga o Papatūānuku.

The learning intention for this lesson is to find out how much of the Earth is covered in water.

Ki tīmata tō mātou ruku ki te kaupapa o te Huringa Huarangi i tēnei akoranga, ōtira ōna pānga ki te motu o Tuvalu (koinei tō mātou kaupapa here mō te Wāhanga). Ka whakahaere he whakamātau putaiao ki ngā poro, ā, he maka poro, he hokinga raraunga ngā tino mahi.

In this lesson, we start our dive into Climate Change and the effects it may have on the island of Tuvalu (this is our main focus for the term). We undertake a science experiment that includes balls, passing it around and gathering data.

Extended plan here / Māhere ako

Reflection / Arotake

Tino pai te akoranga nei. I kite au i whai māramatanga rātou ki ngā mahi, ā, i tutuki te whainga i whakaritea mō te akoranga nei.

I noticed at the end of the lesson that they hadn't gathered the data correctly so I decided in that moment that we would do it and again that sane day.

Things to note

This lesson was intended for a class of 16, but there were kids missing. I wonder if that had anything to do with the incorrect gathering of data?

Class Site Content

Hinewa Taurima


Manaiakalani Education Trust

PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes

Auckland, New Zealand