Direct Instruction / Te Akoranga
Ko te whainga ako mō te akoranga nei he titiro ki te rahinga wai i runga o Papatūānuku.
The learning intention for this lesson is to find out how much of Earth is covered in water.
E whai ake ana tēnei i te akoranga o mua mai (Episode 5). Kāore i whakaoti tika ai i te whakamātau putaiao te wā tuatahi, nō reira koina tā mātou ngana tuarua. Otira, ngā kitenga i te mutunga o ngā mahi.
This lesson is a follow up on the lesson before (Episode 5). We didn't completely properly the first time, so this video shows our second attempt at it. As well as what we've learnt from the data we gathered.
Reflection / Arotake
Pai ake te taha whakahaere o te akoranga nei. I kite au i te hua o taku uru atu ki ngā mahi, kaua ko te mataki me te whakahaere noa. He tīmatana pai rawa atu tēnei mō ngā akoranga e heke mai ana mō te pānga o te huringa o te ahurangi.
Things to note
The lighting is a bit off. There's a window to the left of me in the second half of the video. I think there's a bit of cloud movement so the lighting changes a bit during the video.