Direct Instruction / Te Akoranga
Ko te whainga ako mō te akoranga nei he titiro mehemea e piki ana te pāmahana o te kohauhau. He aha hoki tēnei mea te "pānga o te whare kakariki". Koinei te wāhanga 1 o ngā wāhanga e 2.
The learning intention for this lesson is to find out if the temperature is rising in the atmosphere. As well as what the "greenhouse effect" is. This is part 1 of 2 parts.
Ka kitea ki te kiriata nei ko tā mātou whakahaere i tētahi whakamātau putaio anō, e tiro ana ki te rerekētanga o te pāmahana i roto i tētahi ipu parakete, ki waho ki te taiaoa hoki. Kei te kohi raraunga ngā akonga.
This video shows my class undertaking another science experiment, this time its looking at the difference in temperatures inside a plastic container and outside of it. My students also need to be gathering data while this is happneing.
Reflection / Arotake
He pai rawa tu tēnei mahi ki ahau, ā, ki ngā tamariki hoki. I tino taka-te-kapa ki ahau i te wā e whakahaere mātou i ngā mahi nei.
I found this lesson to be really rich in content. The hands on experience was incredible and really helped all my students have a better understanding of how to measure temperature, how to gather data, how different temperature is when it is in an enclosed space.
Things to note
Unfortunately the camera battery needed charging as soon as the kids took off to start their experiments, so I used my iPhone camera to gather the videos of them. That's why the camera scope changes.