Direct Instruction / Te Akoranga
Ko te whainga ako mō te akoranga nei ko te whakamahi i te taupānga Whakamārama Atu ki te whakaatu i tōna māramatanga ki te kaupapa here.
The learning intention for this lesson is to use the app Explain Everything to show their understanding of the theme for the term.
E whai ake ana tēnei akoranga i te 'Episode 3' mō Kupe. E whakaatu ana tēnei kiriata i tō mātou hoki atu ki te akoranga mō Kupe me te hoki anō ki ngā mōhiotanga mua me te whakamahi i ērā kia arahi i tō rātou hanga i tētahi kiriata poto ki runga i te taupānga Whakamārama Atu.
This is a follow up lesson to 'Episode 3' . This video shows our going back to the previous lesson about Kupe and drawing on the prior knowledge they all have collectively and using that to create a short video on the app Explain Everything.
Reflection / Arotake
I whai hua te akoranga nei. I kite au i ngā mōhiotanga me ngā māramatanga o ngā tamariki ki te kaupapa here, ā e kite ana au i te pai o te taupānga Whakamārama Atu. I needed to make more time to create their videos on Explain Everything because at the end of the episode a lot of the kids were upset that they didn't get to finish them.
Things to note
This lesson took place 3 weeks after the first initial lesson. This was due to other events coming up, Easter and teacher only days. I do think it worked out well though because we were able to watch Episode 3 to help guide us and I had more time to work on the skills required for Explain Everything.
There's a lot of discussion that isn't shown in this video, mainly about their understanding and the use of Explain Everything crossing over to Seesaw. It was taken out because of its relevance.