Direct Instruction
Level 1 Writing
The learning focus for this lesson was for children to write about a topic and be able to use a plan when writing.
This episode shows the children sharing what they have learnt about tigers using the Pic Collage app. Prior to this, the children were supported to create a plan for this writing lesson. The children then used this plan to support them on Pic Collage.
Reflection: After watching this lesson back I felt that it had too much teacher voice and not enough hands on time for the children. Whilst I and the children are still getting used to using the ipads for our learning, I feel the need to go over how to's and expectations a lot! This is also because of the children's young age. Having made a plan the day before, the children went into the lesson not needing to think about too much. This allowed them to be a lot more creative and focus on the task at hand. The topic of 'tigers' was easily engaging for all children, and many of them bought prior knowledge with them.
Things to Note: This episode was filmed during Covid Red setting. I as the teacher was required to wear a mask but because of the children's age they were not.
Class Site Content
Tiger Writing:
To write about a topic.
To use a plan for writing.
Listen and learn about tigers while rewatching this youtube clip.
Find your tiger plan in your book. Have it open next to you.
Open the Pic Collage app.
Create a title, write two facts from your plan and insert two pictures into your Pic Collage.
Save your Pic Collage to your photo gallery.
Upload your work to your blog.