Direct Instruction
Level 1 Maths - Position and Orientation
The learning focus for this lesson was for children to be able to describe the position of an object.
This was our second lesson focussing on positional language. It involved the children bringing in a soft toy from home to use for the task.
This is a whole class lesson which follows the Learn, Create, Share model. The children were given the opportunity to share their learning with a buddy at the end and to upload their work to their blog however this is not covered in the video.
Reflection: I am very pleased with my first Class on Episode not only for 2022 but ever! The children were highly engaged due to the inclusion of their soft toys. Due to their prior knowledge children showed confidence and a good understanding of the learning intention. This was also evident in their audio recordings on Explain Everything. Some children ran into problems when it came to downloading the EE template due to storage. I now know how to avoid this in the future! I myself am enjoying becoming more familiar and confident with creating my own templates for student learning and creating on EE!
Things to Note: This episode was filmed during Covid Red setting. I as the teacher was required to wear a mask but because of the children's age they were not.
Class Site Content
Position and Orientation:
WALT: Describe the Position of an Object.
Click on the image to open the Explain Everything.
Download it to your iPad
Click on Downloads and allow it to open in Explain Everything
Add your name to EE as we practiced
Now you can complete the task.