Direct Instruction
The learning focus for this lesson was for children to learn to blog with support from the teacher.
This is my first time teaching children how to blog. It's also a first for our school to have children so young blogging! This lesson focusses on teaching a small group of children. First the children created something to share on their blog. It was then very scaffolded as to how to upload this to our blog and what to write about it.
Reflection: This was a very rushed last minute lesson! I myself am still becoming comfortable and confident with how to blog using the new edublogs. This lesson is very teacher directed and doesn't share the children's voices as much as I would like. If I hadn't been so rushed I would make sure to include this more. Despite this the children were rapt to see their own work on their own site. I intend to continue to work with small groups moving forward in order to teach them how to blog. I know it will require a lot of revision, repetition and explicit teacher support due to their age and stage. Wish me luck!
Things to Note: This episode was filmed during Covid Red setting. I as the teacher was required to wear a mask but because of the children's age they were not.
Class Site Content
Learning how to Blog:
WALT: Blog for the first time.
A blog is your very own website where you can share your learning with others - anywhere, any time! I can't wait to see what you create.
Miss Jones
Follow the instructions on the slide to create your first blog post.
This blog post will introduce yourself to any visitors on your blog!