Direct Instruction
The learning focus for this lesson was to use adjectives effectively to describe an animal in written clues.
This is a whole class writing lesson that focussed on the use of adjectives. The children worked in their learning buddies to select an animal of their choice. Using the Book Creator app they were asked to write 3-4 clues including adjectives that described their chosen animal without naming it. In the share part of the lesson children were asked to read their clues to another pair to see if their animal could be guessed!
Reflection: If I was to do this lesson again, I would complete it across a couple of days or sessions. Trying to pull all of this off in one 45minute lesson was rushed and it showed in what the children produced. Despite this, the children enjoyed the topic as it provided them with ownership. As this was the first time the children had used the Book Creator app, the majority of the lesson was spent modelling how to use it. With further practice I believe that it would be a useful tool to capture students understanding of different language features e.g. adjectives.
Things to note: In this episode we were a teacher down. Because of this, I led the lesson with the whole hub (60 children) while the other teacher roamed and supported. Being such a large group, meant that we worked in our Manawa space. This space is set up like a mini auditorium (teacher at the front, children seated in front). I trialed using the microphone for the first time, hence why you don't always see but hear the children's responses.
Class Site Content
WALT: To write a Description
- Play a game of headbands and have a go at the quiz.
- With your writing buddy, decide on an animal.
- Thinking of that animal, write 3-4 clues about it without using its name on the Book Creator app.
- On the next page reveal your animal.
- Share your Book Creator with another pair and see if they can guess your animal!
- Share your work on your blog.