Distance Learning: Jamboard for Modelling and Engagement

COA Jamboard.mp4

Direct Instruction:

This lesson is a teacher reflection on the ways in which I have used The Google Jambaords tool for modelling, co-construction and creation during Alert Level 3 and 4 Covid Lockdowns.

Lesson Plan

Reflection: Throughout the Lockdown Jamboard has provided me with a great tool to model ideas on the screen and for learners to play an active role in learning, creating and sharing together when on a Google Meet.

Things to note: This is based on my experience and shares my viewpoint. It is more of a how to/ what for video than a direct lesson.

Site content

Learner & Teacher Create Content

This is what we did with the maths Jamboard.

This is what the completed Shell reading Jamboard looked like.

This is what the completed reflections Jamboard looked like.

Clarelle Carruthers


Manaiakalani Education Trust

PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes

Auckland, New Zealand