Direct Instruction
This video shows the second part of an integrated literacy and art lesson before this lesson learner had engaged in a deep dive into Matariki learning about how it is celebrated and explaining what it means to them. This this lesson we focused on sharing our thoughts and feelings about Matariki through art . Our learning intention were:
-To learn about Matariki.
-To share our view based on multiple sources.
-To use art to express our ideas and feelings.
The children really enjoyed creating their art work. One interesting thing I found was children who had colours they would expect to see in the sky found it easier than those asked to use more abstract or sunset colours. Many found that they made a choice and that this lead their artwork down a different track then they expected. Over all I felt the lesson went well and flow nicely from our prior learning about Matariki.
Things to Note:
I did try to get footage of the first part of the lesson but had camera issues. Also note that the angles focused on one group as this was easier to capture when painting.
Learner Blogs
Clarelle Carruthers
Manaiakalani Education Trust
PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes
Auckland, New Zealand