Direct Instruction: The learning intention for this lesson was we are learning to write and say directions.
The part of the lesson that is shown in the video is the building of knowledge about direction and using a grid. Children engage in discussion and share their own directions for how to get from one object to another. They then write directions which they will film and share on their blogs.
Reflection: The children just loved this lesson and it was great to work with such a small group of these specific skills. The children quickly connected with what we have been doing in maths. The videos were engaging and helped to break up the talking.
Things to note: We moved the classroom around for this lesson into a U shape. This meant that all learners could see the subject of their writing and engage in the question asking. I am still wearing a mask due to personal choice in these video.
we are learning to write and say directions.
We are learning to use a compass to find north.
Discuss directions and learn to find north, south, east and west in our classroom.
Use the animal cards to place around the grid.
Write directions from one animals to another.
Use the robot to follow your buddies directions.
Clarelle Carruthers
Manaiakalani Education Trust
PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes
Auckland, New Zealand