Direct Instruction: The learning intention for this lesson was We are learning to write a detail narrative using pictures. We will include speech in our writing.
The video shows two parts of the process the introduction and the conferencing that happened towards the end of the writing process with learners sharing their stories and getting teachers and peer input. These parts happened on different days with independent and supported writing time in between.
Reflection: The children loved the context of the writing but found making a start very challenging. I think I almost went too far with the explanation and this lead to children becoming confused in the early stages of writing. After some refocusing the learners create some great stories and I was able to have some great discussion with them. We need to continue working on paragraphing.
Things to note:
During this time we had children isolating. Children from a year 4 class were split due to their teacher isolating. This meant that learners in this space were on Chromebooks and some on iPads. We have been planning as a team to reduce stress and allow sick teachers to recover and sharing this all in one spot on our class site so that children at school and at home access the same place. This has helped to keep children connected as they know what to do if they end up isolating. In this lesson you may notice the children voices are not capture as well this is due to not wanting to pass around the mic due to Covid procedures.
A Garden Adventure
We are learning to write a detail narrative using pictures. We will include speech in our writing.
Watch the videos.
Make a copy or download the task.
For each picture us the gifted words from our word wall and your own ideas to create a story that matches the picture.
Clarelle Carruthers
Manaiakalani Education Trust
PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes
Auckland, New Zealand