Direct Instruction:
We are learning to read carefully and notice new words. We are learning what the role of an illustrator is. In this lesson you will see group discussion both with and without the teacher as the children think about the role of an illustrator in the creation of book.
Reflection: This lesson was much longer than what can be shown in this video. Over the course of three days. I met with the children twice and they worked as a group talking and sharing ideas. The knowledge they gain was very valuable and it was nice to see them discussing what it would be like to be an illustrator as they drew. Overall I think this lesson was very successful.
Things to note: Some of the audio is not great due to the classroom enivorment background noise.
We are learning to read carefully and notice new words.
We are learning what the role of an illustrator is.
Read with your teacher and discuss the text
Re read the book with your group and complete the Jamboard.
Read the second text and add to the Jamboard.
Complete the explain everything activity, including drawing your own illustration.
Clarelle Carruthers
Manaiakalani Education Trust
PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes
Auckland, New Zealand