Direct Instruction:
We are learning to make music to accompany our songs. We are learning to make music with an introduction and an outro. In this lesson you will see the children dsicussing the models we have made and talking about how they will make their songs in Garage Band. Groups of children then created their own songs. Once their songs were finished they created a music video to go with it. It is the final lesson in a three part series. Click here to see part one and two.
Reflection: This lesson was very positive with the children being super engaged as they have been throughout this process. Like all artist the children did a lot of thinking and this meant a lot of time was needed as is often the case in creative projects. It was nice to see the children talking about the order of their songs and the sounds they wanted to accompany their lyrics. I really liked they way the children sang together and gaged the amount of time they had for each sections of their song. While the products were not fully polished the children were incredible proud of what they created and we shared their videos along with other art at our art expo.
Things to note: Some of the camera angles are not great in this episode I apologise.
We are learning to make music to accompany our songs.
We are learning to make music with an introduction and and outro.
Work together as a group to create your backing track.
Sing as you make your track to check timing.
Recorder your song and vocals.
Create a music video for your song.
Art works performance

Clarelle Carruthers
Manaiakalani Education Trust
PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes
Auckland, New Zealand