See what MATHS looks like in our classrooms!
Below are some of the examples of maths episodes you can see on this site.
There are many more episodes throughout this website from teachers across a wide range of age groups and schools.
To see more Maths episodes:
- check out the rest of our teachers from the "Teachers" page.
- check out the spreadsheet below for a direct link to maths episodes.
Khismira Lal
Yr 1

Direct Instruction
The learning intention for this lesson was for learners to explore place value. The students will be showing you what each digit represents focussing on Tens and Ones using digital resources and materials. The video shows a guided Maths session with 6 children in a group. They are grouped according to mixed abilities. A few children in the group can solve addition and subtraction word problems up to 100 by counting on and counting back from the biggest number. All children can count in 10’s to 100.
Monty Jones
Yr 11/12/13
Direct Instruction
The aim of this lesson was to get students to be able to represent coordinates by using a table, to have an engaging end to Term 2 and to build some further confidence with gradients before beginning Calculus next term. Students formed groups and their scores were recorded on the board.
This video shows the students attempting the Mini Golf Marbleslides activity on Student Desmos.
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Manaiakalani Education Trust
PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes
Auckland, New Zealand