See what SECONDARY looks like in our classrooms!
See what SECONDARY looks like in our classrooms!
Below are some of the examples of Secondary episodes you can see on this site.
Below are some of the examples of Secondary episodes you can see on this site.
There are many more episodes throughout this website from teachers across a wide range of age groups and schools.
There are many more episodes throughout this website from teachers across a wide range of age groups and schools.
To see more Secondary episodes:
To see more Secondary episodes:
- check out the rest of our teachers from the "Teachers" page.
- check out the rest of our teachers from the "Teachers" page.
Nicola Wells
Nicola Wells
Yr 9
Yr 9

Direct Instruction
Direct Instruction
Have the crime scene set up before students come in, and also have all the fruit and equipment ready to go in small groups. Students should gasp at the drama and be excited for the lesson! Then you can go through the slides of the suspects and why each step is necessary for the extraction, before handing out the instruction sheet. Let them form a conclusion based on the gel electrophoresis about who the murderer was. Then you can dramatically reveal the motive!
Kata O'Donnell
Kata O'Donnell
Yr 13
Yr 13

Direct Instruction
Direct Instruction
For tauira to engage in the research process and find evidence of the effects on well-being from their chosen health condition.
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Looking for something else?
Manaiakalani Education Trust
PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes
Auckland, New Zealand