See what Te Reo looks like in our classrooms!
See what Te Reo looks like in our classrooms!
Below are some of the examples of te reo episodes you can see on this site.
Below are some of the examples of te reo episodes you can see on this site.
There are many more episodes throughout this website from teachers across a wide range of age groups and schools.
There are many more episodes throughout this website from teachers across a wide range of age groups and schools.
To see more te reo episodes:
To see more te reo episodes:
- check out the rest of our teachers from the "Teachers" page.
- check out the rest of our teachers from the "Teachers" page.
- check out the spreadsheet below for a direct link to te reo episodes.
- check out the spreadsheet below for a direct link to te reo episodes.
Hinewa Taurima
Hinewa Taurima
Yr 3/4
Yr 3/4

Direct Instruction
Direct Instruction
Ko te tino whainga o te akoranga nei ko te whai māramatanga ki ngā tikanga akuaku, me pēhea te whakahaere he whakamātau pūtaiao, he whakawhānake i tō mātou puna kupu mō ngā kaupapa nei hoki.
The learning intentions for this lesson was to gain a better understanding of hygiene, how to undertake a science experiment and expanding our vocabulary on these topics.
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Looking for something else?
Manaiakalani Education Trust
PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes
Auckland, New Zealand