See what READING looks like in our classrooms!
See what READING looks like in our classrooms!
Below are some of the examples of reading episodes you can see on this site.
Below are some of the examples of reading episodes you can see on this site.
There are many more episodes throughout this website from teachers across a wide range of age groups and schools.
There are many more episodes throughout this website from teachers across a wide range of age groups and schools.
To see more Reading episodes:
To see more Reading episodes:
- check out the rest of our teachers from the "Teachers" page.
- check out the rest of our teachers from the "Teachers" page.
- check out the spreadsheet below for a direct link to reading episodes.
- check out the spreadsheet below for a direct link to reading episodes.
Zac Moran
Zac Moran
Yr 3/4
Yr 3/4

Direct Instruction
Direct Instruction
The learning intention for this lesson was to make connections with prior knowledge and share our own opinions.
The video shows a reading lesson where the learners are focusing on whether animals should be in zoos or not. We then are lucky enough to speak to a zoo keeper and ask him some questions.
Chelsea Donaldson
Chelsea Donaldson
Yr 7/8
Yr 7/8
Direct Instruction
Direct Instruction
The learning intention for this lesson was to identify language features in a novel.
The lesson you will be watching involves building a success criteria of figurative language we expect to find in a novel, as students identifying figurative language in songs. This lesson uses an exerpt from the novel The City of Ember.
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Manaiakalani Education Trust
PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes
Auckland, New Zealand