See what BLOGGING looks like in our classrooms!
See what BLOGGING looks like in our classrooms!
Below are some of the examples of blogging episodes you can see on this site.
Below are some of the examples of blogging episodes you can see on this site.
There are many more episodes throughout this website from teachers across a wide range of age groups and schools.
There are many more episodes throughout this website from teachers across a wide range of age groups and schools.
To see more blogging episodes:
To see more blogging episodes:
- check out the rest of our teachers from the "Teachers" page.
- check out the rest of our teachers from the "Teachers" page.
- check out the spreadsheet below for a direct link to blogging episodes.
- check out the spreadsheet below for a direct link to blogging episodes.
Karen Belt
Karen Belt
Yr 3
Yr 3
Direct Instruction
Direct Instruction
What makes a quality blog comment? Watch video where blog comments are discussed and note down the five main points.
Draw on the Manaiakalani Positive Blog Commenting display - emphasise the importance of a comment that you would be happy to receive on your own blog.
Hannah West
Hannah West
Yr 5
Yr 5

Direct Instruction
Direct Instruction
The learning intention for this lesson was for learners to be able to write a quality blog comment on a post on our class blog. The overarching learning intention is that learners will eventually be able to confidently comment on the blogs of their classmates as well as other classes in our school, Manaiakalani, as well as the Outreach Schools around the country.
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Manaiakalani Education Trust
PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes
Auckland, New Zealand