Art - Pastels T2 w Music 2.mp4

Direct Instruction: Pastel Koru Patterns

Students are using their knowledge of shape and space to draw an image that could represent them and their family.

This video follows on from Lesson 6 Sketching Koru Patterns. Students use shades of a colour to to create an image that could represent their life, whanau/family or interests.

Extended Plan Here

Reflection: Students enjoyed seeing their images coming to life and were very proud of the finished article. Even though students were taken through step by step we still had some 'oops' moments. Mixing colours, realising warm colours didn't show up on the black cartridge as brightly as the cold colours.

Things to note: This is a follow on form the Koru sketches, and I have missed the final step with video of adding the black pastel outline but you can see it in the final images

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Lesson 5, 6 Koru Patterns Inspiration

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Pastel Koru Patterns - Part 2

We are learning to use the koru design to represent ourselves, our lives, interests or family.

We are learning to use all the page to create an interesting design filling the space.


  1. Discuss warm and cold colours, shades of a colour (light and dark) and how you can make them lighter or darker using the white or black pastel. Cold colours work best, e.g. blue or green.

  2. Pick best image from the range of designs created (these were part of previous lesson where students pick a 2D shape and odd number of Koru patterns and drew inside the shape.

  3. Draw selected image on to black cartridge using pencil.

  4. Outline using dark colour (not black), being careful to follow lines and stop when image is over lapped or where lines are not needed due to negative (black) koru.

  5. Once outline is complete (and checked) make outline wider and darker (about two pastel lines wide).

  6. Colour inside of dark outline using same colour but lighter shade, make sure no black paper showing.

  7. In middle of the light shade draw a white line using white pastel. Blend in using white pastel and light shade.

  8. Outline frame and the part of the koru pattern touches the black paper with black pastel. This ensure lines are crisp.

Learner Generated Content

Manaiakalani Research

Manaiakalani Education Trust

PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes

Auckland, New Zealand

Tanya Mundy

Wesley Intermediate School

Auckland, New Zealand