COA 8.mp4

Direct Instruction

Learning Intention - Use multiplicative strategies to solve Measurement themed problems.

Each learner measured the length of their foot and then measured out the height of their partner. With the length of the feet, and the number of paces it took to pace out their partner, they were able to multiply the two numbers to solve the height of their partner.

After the lesson I spent time explaining the activity to my learners.

Extended plan here


This lesson went really well, the difference in height of learners and length of learners feet made a real difference to the equations they had to solve. Some students used decimals when measuring their feet, which then made these problems more difficult to solve, this created great discussion. My learners really enjoyed this lesson and were able to help each other with their multiplicative thinking. After we had spoken about how to solve these problems learners still needed extra support with remembering how to solve the more difficult problems, this is when you can see one of my learners helping out with this.

Things to note

This was a break out space in our school that I was able to use to film this lesson, however, you could do this lesson with your whole class. Unfortunately, in the end of the video my camera had turned off so was unable to get another angle of the kids solving these problems, however, I thought my learners did a great job.

Class Site Content

Term 3 - Week 2


  • use multiplication in measurement.

  • use a 30cm ruler.


  • able to calculate how tall our partner is by calculating their height.

  • use our times table knowledge to answer more complex questions.

COA Measurement Task


  1. Complete the challenge your teacher has set for you.

  2. Find a creative way using Google Draw or Google Slides to share your findings.

Timestable Practise

Learner Generated Content


Blog Post


Blog Post

Zac Moran

Pt England School

Professional Blog

Manaiakalani Education Trust

PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes

Auckland, New Zealand