Direct instruction
The learning intention was to investigate how maths is used in surveying. We go on a field trip to the Fenchurch Street construction site and are hosted by Tamaki Regeneration.
The video shows the students at the construction site and details the surveyors calculate the grade of the road.
The trip was a success and the students voiced how they enjoyed seeing how maths was applied outside the classroom. I did not explain the difference between a survey (form filled out by a person) and land surveying, but the students quickly cottoned on to the difference. The context question that I gave the students in the Google Form did not relate to what the surveyors had been talking about during the day. Next time I would provide more grade (gradient) questions after a surveying trip.
Learning Site Content
Instructions on Google+
When we get back from the field trip to Sunnymead Road,
complete this Google Form to reflect on today.