Direct Instruction
The learning intention for this lesson was for learners to be able to write a quality blog comment on a post on our class blog. The overarching learning intention is that learners will eventually be able to confidently comment on the blogs of their classmates as well as other classes in our school, Manaiakalani, as well as the Outreach Schools around the country.
I began by having learners write a comment on our own class blog, where it was a safe and familiar environment for them to take risks in their learning. Once learners are able to successfully create quality blog comments, they will be encouraged to comment on a wider range of learners' blogs.
The thing I took away most from this lesson was the language I use to phrase certain things in my teaching. For example, I often say "I would like you to...". After watching the footage from this lesson, I realised that there are better ways for me to phrase this. In some cases, I can be more direct than I currently am by saying something along the lines of, "Go to..." or "Write down... ." In other cases, I could rephrase the instruction by referring to the group. For example, "Share with us... ."
I could also be more explicit in how I give learners feedback about their responses or their learning. For example, instead of stating, "good work" or "I like that," I could say, "I like how you added a really thoughtful comment onto the end of your comment" or "good job realising you needed to add a full stop there."
The camera angles I used could still be made better. The angle which looks out across the classroom is catching too much light from outside which reduces the quality of the footage.
Learning Site Content
Smart Relationships

Manaiakalani Quality blog comment poster
This poster explains how you can create a quality blog comment. At times throughout the year, we will comment on other Pt England School blogs, on blogs of learners from other schools across our CoL (Community of Learning), and blogs of learners from outreach schools, too!
Learner Created Content
Hannah West
Pt England School
Auckland, New Zealand