SQUID!! (Part One)
This episode has an integrated approach. We integrated science, reading, writing and art while exploring squid.
Video One shows the experiment of dissecting a squid.
Video Two shows the students taking part in a reciprocal reading lesson as they find out more about squid. They used a venn diagram to compare and contrast different types of squid.
Video Three- Students recording of the dissection ( Close up footage)
The learner created content shows a video the students have created showing their dissection, a piece of writing recounting the experience, work from the reciprocal reading lesson and finally a piece of art we created.
Lesson Reflection
The last squid video was filmed by the students. The camera was held the wrong way, which means that it has is trimmed with black on the sides. They also accidentally stopped the camera at moments. But its real footage of a real classroom. Lots of chaos, but LOTS of fun.
Class Site Content
Plan and carry out an investigation
Focus: Looking at the systems of a squid.
Use our five senses to help us investigate.
To Describe ( Telling about something)
To Test ( Deciding if something makes sense)
To Explain ( Give examples)
1. Write to instruct others how to carry about a squid dissection
( Equipment, method, things to note)
2. Create a DLO to share your findings
Learner Generated Content
Rebecca Spies
Park Estate School, Papakura
rebecca.spies@manaiakalani.org / rebeccas@parkestate.school.nz
Manaiakalani Education Trust
PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes
Auckland, New Zealand