Direct Instruction
We have been learning about persuasive writing for a few weeks and I wanted to challenge students to consider both sides of the argument rather than only taking one side. This lesson was designed to try and get students to see how sometimes a pro argument and a con argument are related and therefore both sides should be discussed together.
This was a small group lesson, however the same lesson was done with the whole class as well.
Sentence prompts used were part of our learning the previous week so the students had already had some experience using them.
Reflection on the video clip
Students could find similar/contrasting ideas in the pro/con columns and could talk about how they were related.
Everyone recorded their ideas on the group sheet.
Students building on each others ideas.
Things to think about
Sometimes as I lean forward I am blocking Lily from being seen by the camera.
Timote and Havea off topic quite a-bit. At times I pulled them back in, but in the second clip when I wasn't there they weren't working as a team to complete the task.
Class Site Content
Term 4, Week 6
WAL write a persuasive text
SC I can use paragraphs to seperate my ideas
SC I can form my opinion and explain it
SC I can use persuasive vocabulary in my writing
Teacher modelling from Monday.
Tuesday -
Using a statement given to you, create a pro/con list with your group. Use the sentence starters on the wall to create some sentences for you to use.
*Try and use a pro and a con that are linked within the same paragraph*. Use some of the 'better' and 'best' vocabulary.
Classroom displays that are referred to
The exemplars at the top (underneath the heading) are typed versions of E-asttle persuasive writing exemplars. When we first introduced the topic, students sorted them into order of which they thought was the good ones, the better ones and the best one. They then identified 'persuasive words' and interesting sentence starters from these which I added too as well. We have used these throughout our persuasive unit.
Co-created plans for writing
Underlined in the sentences are words/sentence beginnings students have used from the good/better/best list above.