Col 14.mp4
col14 part 2.mp4

Direct Instruction

We have been learning about Geometry and Measurement this term. Today we are learning about transformation of shapes and trying to remember what each word means (rotation, reflection, repetition, tessellation, translation).

During this lesson I wanted to enable students to make choices about how they did what they were asked to do - I gave them choices in what to do, how to do it, who to do it with, and where to share it.

First I modelled what these were, then students went away and made a DLO showing each part using their own words/explanation.

To deepen our understanding of rotation, we learnt about degrees/turns (E.g. that 90 degree is 1/4 turn) and played a little drill game to help them remember this.

Next we talked about tessellation and students chose to either make tessellation art on their netbook using Google Drawing or on paper using cut out shapes.

Extended plan here.

Reflection on the video clip


  • My voice is clear even though I am quite far away from the camera.

  • Can see students are listening and participating in the lesson.

  • Students make connections throughout the lesson to other things they know about (E.g. when I asked what tessellation is, they said it sounds like the car Tesla, or that reflection has something to do with mirrors).

Things to think about

  • The student I asked to sit behind the camera (to make sure it didn't stop recording randomly, which has been an issue) was not a good choice. I had to edit out a lot of him talking to the person in front of the camera, holding up his shape to the camera to show what he was doing (hence blocking everybody else) and he moved the camera slightly so sometimes I'm barely in the shot. Next time, choose a different person to sit with the camera and ensure I am checking the angles throughout the lesson to ensure it is aiming at the right place.

Class Site Content

Term 4, Week 6

WAL about transformation

SC I can explain/show what rotation, reflection, translation and tessellation are

After the modelling by your teacher, select one of these

1) Use Google Drawing and Screencastify to make a movie about how to transform shapes

2) Use the paper shapes given and record a short movie clip explaining what each transformation is (use your own words)

3) Make a Google Drawing to show what each transformation is

Whichever you choose, share this on your blog.

Next with your teacher, review what tessellation art looks like.

Again, choose to either create some form of DLO or a piece of artwork to show one of the transformations (choose from tessellation, rotation, reflection or translation).

Although most students chose to use Google Drawings, some students chose to create non-digital learning outcomes. Here is one example. These were displayed on the classroom wall.

Learner Generated Content