Direct Instruction
The learning intention for this lesson was to write a recount about our experience making catapults and our whole space catapult battle. We focused on using the 5 W's when writing our introduction. We also focused on editing our writing.
This video shows a writing lesson focused on the discussion before writing their recounts and some of the editing process.
My Team Leader - Helen King who I team teach with leads the lesson to our whole space.
Looking back at the this lesson I realise that there was a lot of me talking and not much of my children talking, something I definitely will change for my next episode. You can see that I'm trying to move my phone around to get all the audio from the children something I need to keep doing. We had such a fun morning making the catapults and the kids were so excited to build forts and fire their ammunition (pom poms) at each other. As you can see the kids were super excited during the discussion, need to remember to put their hands up (haha). We worked on helping each others writing sound better to the reader, the kids enjoyed helping each other and it's something I will do again. I didn't gift as much vocabulary as I would have liked to, something that I normally do.
Things to note
You can see a few people standing in the background during the movie, these are visitors that come through our school to see all the cool work our amazing kids are doing! I'm still working on making the audio better and making sure the camera is focused, there is a few times where it goes fuzzy.
Class Site Content
WALT: write a recount based on an experience we've had, we are focusing on our introduction and editing our writing.
We will be writing about our catapult war that we had in our classroom.
We are remembering to use full stops and capital letters at the start and end of our sentences.
We will talk about the basics of writing a recount. We will discuss what happened while we made our catapults, then what happened during our war.
We will read our sentences out to a small group then share your writing on your blog.