Direct Instruction
The learning intention for this lesson was to write a script for our interview and interview our peers about the classroom battleship game that we played. We focused on making our interviews engaging for our audience. We also focused on using descriptive vocabulary in our scripts.
This video shows a game of Classroom Battleships that we played followed by an activity.
This lesson was full on and chaos, controlled chaos haha. Doing something really out of the ordinary like turning your classroom upside down can sometimes be a wonderful experience for our learners haha. I loved teaching this lesson it was so engaging and heaps of fun. When I told my learners that they were doing an interview they were pretty excited to do something different from a recount. The game did take a lot of management but setting certain boundaries at the start of the lesson helped a lot. As you can see we spent a lot of time during this lesson discussing how to engage our audience and this was a focus. It was really awesome spending the time at the end hearing the girls talk about their ideas and build on each others ideas to make their scripts even better.
Things to note
The audio had parts in it that were a bit quiet but we tried our best. It was hard to know how much of the experience to show and how much of the explicit teaching to show as well.
Class Site Content
WALT: conduct an interview on an experience we've had, we are focusing on using exciting vocabulary and engaging our audience.
We will be making an interview based on our Classroom Battleships that we play.
We are remembering to use full stops and capital letters at the start and end of our sentences.
We will talk about the basics of writing our scripts. Why are we writing a script? What is important about doing an interview? Who will ask questions?
We will read our sentences out to a small group then you will share your interviews on your blog.