In this session, we read the exemplars for AS91067 all together and compared what the writing for Not Achieved through to Excellence looks like.
Direct Instruction
The direct instruction was split into sections on two different lessons.
We looked at the NZQA exemplars for the standard we are working on at the moment.

In this session, the instructions are about highlighting the texts to show where sections are.
Describing words, reasons why and decisions and links to the architect's work.

Here, the students are brought back together again to talk about looking for where information is shown together in the text rather than in individual pieces.
I did the activities over the course of two different lessons on two different days. I think this went well as it meant that there was not too much time spent listening to me all in one go.
This was my first experience of reading to the whole class and I think they responded really well. I put a video camera on them as well as me as we were doing it so I could show their reactions too. They seemed to focus well as I was reading.
Class Site Content
This is the link to the exemplars for AS91067 online.
I took screenshots on individual drawn examples from these and typed up the notes that the students had written exactly as they had written them. These are the documents in the folder on the left.
I did this so my students could focus in on specific elements without having to try and read the handwriting in the exemplars.
Learner Generated Content
This video shows some of the ongoing lesson with the students talking about what they were finding in the texts they were reading through.

Karen Ferguson
Manaiakalani Education Trust
PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes
Auckland, New Zealand