Direct Instruction
The learning intention for this lesson was:
Identify and describe the benefits of reading
*Reading for enjoyment
Build our reading muscle with mileage
This video shows a reading group meeting with me to learn about the benefits of reading and developing their reading muscle. Having watched a video about the benefits of reading the children share something they found interesting before having an extended discussion. I then sum up and introduce the Reading Challenge to them.
Overall the lesson went well despite the kids being tired. The children engaged with the content however it is yet unknown as to how well they will go with the reading challenge although they were keen on it. Interestingly, 3 of the children identified that reading enables you to view things through other people’s eyes. The idea that reading increases your worldview was new to them and I’m hoping it is something that will spur them on. No doubt I will need to keep reminding them of this.
You will need to make sure you create a separate Benefits of reading notepad for every group and link it to their site.
Next Steps
Check in with children over the coming weeks to keep tabs on their progress.
Continue to remind children of the benefits of reading to help keep them motivated.