Direct Instruction
This video is a reading workshop focussing on the topic of "What's under the sea?".
The topic of this lesson is the Great Barrier Reef.
The children are learning to summarise the text in fewer words.
On reflection, I did a lot of talking in this reading lesson. It would be nice to have more talking amongst the children. The lesson went on and on, and they were so interested to see what the reef looked like. I loved being able to share with them an amazing experience in my life. The children completed a good summary about the reef, a great resource to help the children pull out the key information. The next steps for the children is to continue to investigate Oceans. For them to take an appreciation of why the ocean and reefs are so important and how we need to look after them. The children need to lead, and talk more during the session. This needs to start becoming the expectation.
Things to note
This unit has been taught over a fortnight period, with a rotation around the Hub. Each fortnight the group of 30 children swaps to a new group. Each group has a name based on a Favourite Chocolate. This is the Cherry Ripe group.
Class Site Content
Learning Intention
The students are learning to summarise the text in fewer words.
Reread to clarify vocabulary understanding.
Highlighting keywords.
Make connections between texts.
Identify key words which when combined with prior knowledge, will help with understanding.
Identify some text events and features, and discuss what they can make the reader think about.
Summarising: To explain in fewer words what the text is about
Below click on the image to be taken to my class site where you will see all the learning that has taken place for the topic of "What's under the sea?". Below the image on the left is the modeling book I used during the session. It has key vocabulary and key discussion questions. In the middle is the Summary follow-up task. On the right-hand side is the bank of reading texts we have covered within the fortnight of teaching.