Direct Instruction

This video is a Lesson 2 of the Nutrition - Healthy Me Unit. 

The students will 

Extended plan here


This was a fun lesson to plan as you could see the importance of how the children would use this in their everyday lives. The children enjoyed looking at different food labels. I have now taught this lesson 3 times to 3 different groups and this lesson was the first of them. In the following lessons, I had actual real-life food labels, cereals, chocolate, lollies, jars, coffee etc. for them to look at and this made it more hands-on. The children definitely took something away from this lesson - which I hope they might share with their family at home. The next steps for the children would be to plan their 7-day food plan, take notes, and change items they know aren't fueling their bodies. 

Things to note

Term 4 is always a busy term, so we decided to do mini PBL lessons. The focus for the first part of the term was Healthy Me. The children learned about Sleep, Hygiene, Nutrition, and the Cardiovascular System. The children then created a Journal to show their learning and their next steps. This lesson was taught to three different groups, this took place during the first lesson. Each group is 30 children. 

Class Site Content

Learning Intention

The students are learning to identify healthy food choices, understand the concept of a balanced meal, and learn how to read nutrition labels.


Below on your left is a copy of the Google Slides used to guide the teaching lesson. This includes links to videos and follow-up tasks. On the right-hand side is a copy of the Healthy Me Journal the children are adding all their learning from the separate 4 topic areas. The children have two lessons per area. Nutrition, Hygiene, Sleep, and Cardio System.

Below this is an example pieces of work for Lesson 1 and 2 of the Nutrition. 

Nutrition Google Slide 

Nutrition and Making Healthy Food Choices

Healthy Me Journal Template

Tumu Hub's Healthy Me Journal
Tumu Hub's Healthy Me Journal

Example Healthy Me Journal, currently still being completed. 

Diet and Nutrition Table

Example Diet and Nutrition food group table, google doc.  

Example Nutrition Information Panel google drawing. 

 Learner Generated Content

Manaiakalani Education Trust 

PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes 

Auckland, New Zealand