Direct Instruction

This lesson shows tamariki engaging in a range of probability activities throughout our unit over 5 weeks.

Tamariki working on an independent activity to create a board game about probability. Finally, tamariki share thei game with a group of friends.

Extended plan here


Probability has been our favourite unit in maths so far this year. There were so many opportunities to link in different activities and resources to make it a fully hands on experience.

We began making the board games by me reading out the instructions at the beginning of our create time. This began to be increasingly more difficult as tamariki were advancing at different stages. Creating the Google Site helped manage this as the instructions were fully rewindable, there were pictures for examples that tamariki could refer to and they could work through the create task at their own pace. 

The site also allowed for more conference time with tamariki. 

Things to note.

Our probability unit went over 5 weeks. The creation of our board games was an independent activity during the final week and a half of our unit. Independent time was roughly 30 minutes a day over 6 days.

Small focus groups were held for each section for tamariki who needed extra support.

Lesson plan zooms in on three sessions throughout the 5 week focus.

Class Site Content

Learning Intention

Create a Probability board game with task cards containing probability questions.


Complete each section of the learning site. Integrate each section to create a playable board game. 

Share the board game with a group of friends.

 Learner Generated Content


Blog Post

Manaiakalani Education Trust 

PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes 

Auckland, New Zealand