Direct Instruction

This lesson follows on from my previous episode.

The learning intentions for this lesson were:

The video shows a short review of the previous week's work, sharing of 2 Manaiakalani Film Festival movies that may be relevant to our movie script writing and some conversations between students as the collaborated on this project.

In the video, you will also see the students using a spreadsheet which we use to keep track of their tasks for a project, particularly when projects are more collaborative.

Extended plan here


I think the biggest take away from editing the video footage from this lesson was the variety between the quality of conversations happening in different groups. They varied in different ways:

This really got me questioning how I can be more explicit with supporting students with conversing on a topic.

Things to note

If I was to do this lesson again, I would provide prompts for students to use in their conversations. These may be sentence starters or questions that they could use in response to one of their peer's comments or questions.

Class Site Content

Learning Intention

We are learning to:


 Learner Generated Content

Manaiakalani Research

Manaiakalani Education Trust 

PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes 

Auckland, New Zealand