Parrant Episode 7:

Direct Instruction

The learning intention for this lesson was to share learning in a range of different ways on edublogs.

The video shows the different ways in which students can embed Google applications on edublogs. This shows the students being shown how to embed google docs, draw and presentation onto edublogs along with how to embed a video. The end of this lesson shows a screen recoding of some of the students adding this to their blogs.

Extended plan here


I think that this lesson went really well. The students were engaged in the lesson and it was something that we needed to work on as class as lots of students would ask each time how to add something new to the blogs. This gives a rewindable activity that the students can refer back to if they forget how to embed one of these google applications. The great thing about this lesson is that I learnt something as well I had no idea that there were two ways to use the embed code so that was really helpful to learn. The students were able to complete the task well and had some really great discussions within their groups setting up each of the screen recordings.

Things to note

I had to film this lesson a second time due to loosing the footage and from reflection of the lesson and the task I added in having the students screen record how to do this along with the task so that it was something that the other students could watch and refer back to. This lesson was filmed during alert level orange where mask wearing is optional for students and teachers. This is why some of my students are wearing masks and some are not during the filming.

Class Site Content

Embedding learning on our blogs

WALT: share our learning on our blogs in a number of different ways.

Add an image to Edublogs .mov


  1. Watch the video with your class.

  2. Go through the different ways to add a doc, drawing, presentation and video onto your blog with your teacher.

  3. Make a copy of the Google document. Finish it. Then copy and paste the writing on your blog.

  4. Make a copy of the Google Drawing. Finish it. Download it as a png file. Insert the image onto your blog.

  5. Make a copy of the presentation. Finish it. Publish it to the web. Copy the embed code onto your blog.

  6. Open the video in a new window. Select embed. Copy the embed code onto you blog.

Embedding Google Docs

Embedding Google Draw

Embedding Google Presentation

Embedding Video

Learner Generated Content


Blog Post

Anne Marie

Blog Post


Blog Post

Kelsey Parrant

Pt England School

Professional Blog

Manaiakalani Education Trust

PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes

Auckland, New Zealand