Direct Instruction: Reading - Justifying the Point of View of the Text
Students are learning how a different point of view changes a story. They were asked to evaluate evidence to help justify their thinking. This needed to be more detailed than just it has I, me or he and she it in, it needed to be sentences from the story.
This video shows a lesson where students find the evidence in a story and explain their thinking about point of view. and by aggreeing or disagreeing the can evaluate the evidence each other has used.
Reflection: It has been interesting watching students grow in confidence with supplying evidence to support their thinking. I don't need to ask as often for an example of what they mean as they are starting to included it automatically. The are happy to agree with other students but are still finding their way with disagreeing.
Things to note: Even though we did an activity on the video using paper they then had to do the same activity in slide by numbering the sentences to show the correct order. This task was then used to give more evidence of their thinking during the discussion. It would be interesting to do this activity with just speech in and see if students try to change their mind about the point of view, because speech is always written in first person. Students covered a range of texts with first person, second person and third person.
Site content
What's the Point of View?
We are learning to identify different points of view in our reading.
We can evaluate the key words and phrases that others use help portray a particular point of view.
Reread story during DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) time, (this was their second reading) - this helps to keep the story front and centre for them.
Students share what they think the point of view is and justify their thinking.
Ordering sentences from the story (without speech), and then identify 2 sentences that support their thinking and share one with the group.
Learner Generated Content
Manaiakalani Education Trust
PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes
Auckland, New Zealand