Direct Instruction: Power of the Square
Students learning about squares and cubed numbers, in the process we revisited odd and even numbers, prime numbers and multiplication arrays. This is a great hands on lesson that can be used to fill gaps for students unsure of their times tables.
Reflection: Students started out on paper and quickly moved to the slides to apply the learning. I notice a few light bulb moments for students who didn't know their multiplication facts. I realised at one point I hadn't made it clear initially that the arrays have to make a box (4 sides) as one student tried to make 24 with 5x5 array.
Things to note: Really important students know the shape they are colouring/shading is a box (4 sides). Where students ran out of room to do the shading they were encouraged to duplicate the slide. Another helpful instructions is that students leave a white set of squares between arrays (this can be used to record the matching equation, or use a different colour. Please note we did move to doing this task on chrome books using the slides to complete the different tasks.
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Multiplication Rectangles and Squares
We are learning to identify squares and square roots.
We are learning solve multiplication problems using an array.
Students need a squared piece of paper and a pencil, give them a number and ask them to colour the number of square required to make the number and make a rectangle. (Remind students what a rectangle looks like) E.g. 10, 16 - ask how many different ways can you do it?
Talk about the differences in the shapes. What happens if I colour in 4 squares? What do I know about the numbers 4, 9 and 16? What can I see?
These slides made a few lesson, going thorugh odd and prime numbers and how we can identify them, even numbers and how they can be split. Then we moved into the squared and cubed numbers.
Learner Generated Content
Manaiakalani Education Trust
PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes
Auckland, New Zealand