Direct Instruction
The learning intention for this lesson was to identify a platform for recording voice, this platform is Podcasts.
The video shows the children being exposed to Podcasting, what is a Podcast, how to write a script, and how best to record a Podcast.
This lesson is towards the end of a term's learning around this Project Based Learning question:
How can we use our voice to ensure our planet survives?
It was interesting to see the children’s reaction to podcasts and what is involved in creating a podcast. Once the children had pinpointed their final shark tank idea, the final product was designed around climate change. The children were excited to write their podcast script, they enjoyed thinking about their sponsors, and what their podcast name or product name is going to be. This made the whole recording progress easy, a lot of work went into getting the children ready to record. A lot of reflecting upon scripts and expression in voice when performing their recordings. Overall the children had a great time showcasing their voice - using Podcasts as a platform was a great idea. Recording using a voice recorder was an easy way to record, and this was perfect to showcase the product and description.
Things to note
This lesson is only a snippet of the learning that has taken place across a term, at my school our term topic is based around a question, a project. How can we use our voice to ensure our planet survives?