Direct Instruction
The learning intention for this lesson is to write a rap using a word around their persona. Then the children are learning to perform their written rap to others.
Focus progressions are listed below:
Attitude and Behaviour: Present work in a range of forms.
Structure and Language: Use personal voice to add effect.
Vocabulary: Use a range of written features to engage the audience.
As this is the first lesson introducing the children to rap writing, and what is their persona - I am happy with their response and engagement with who they are, and understanding it all starts with them. On reflection, the children picked words, to begin with like sporty, nice or surface words. The children need to choose a word that they could get more than one aspect. In the days that followed there was a lot of changing of words to help support writing their rap. Writing rap is not easy, and getting the children to find rhyming words to support what they were trying to say was not an easy task but some of the end results are excellent. Do have a listen to the four children below - they were so proud of these efforts. We are using this exposure of rap writing to support our project-based learning around climate change.
Things to note
This is a writing workshop group of 25 children, the remanding children in the Tumu Hub were working either attending a workshop or working independently.
Class Site Content
Learning Intention
The learning intention for this lesson is to write a rap using a word around their persona. Then the children are learning to perform their written rap to others.
This google slide below on the left is all the writing that took place during Bully Free Week during Writing Workshops. It is a step-by-step guide to what took place in each lesson. The children start by looking at a song, and lyrics and this leads to writing and then performing their own rap. There are several steps informed to the final product of writing a rap. The document on the right hand side is where the children added their word, rap and a reflection.