Direct Instruction
The learning intention for this lesson was to be able to identify key words which when combined with prior knowledge, will help with their understanding. This lesson is shows a short workshop focus on questioning, and finding these key words to build on the knowledge the children already have.
This videos shows the children developing how to identify several ideas, discuss the author's stance or purpose, and understand the relationships in text.
When teaching this lesson I was very mindful of how all the information could seem quite overwhelming. This was where I tried to pick out the most important pieces for the children to gain a good understanding of climate change. We had children leaving for sport trials and then some joined us towards the end, it was a busy lesson with lots of distractions but all in all I was pleased to see the strong understanding towards the end. The children could explain climate change and then use different keywords to show a strong understanding. After watching the lesson back, next time I will encourage hands down and I will just pick children for responses. I definitely had some children sit back and wait for others to respond. I also should have done some turn and talk to the person next to them. This is something I can work on for next time. The children have really enjoyed learning about climate change, and put into practise lots of their knowledge on a school trip to the Central City where they were involved in activities to help support climate change and further their knowledge.
Things to note
This is a reading workshop group, the remanding children in the Tumu Hub were working either attending a workshop or working independently.
Class Site Content
Learning Intention
The learning intention for this lesson was understand how best to build a shelter for survival. Children will need to think while reading, pick up new information, and come up with new ideas and thinking.
On the right you will find the link to the children's learning site. This is where the children have access to a range of different texts. The Complementary Text below is the reading the children are working through in the video. This supports the T-Shaped Literacy approach. The Learn activity, is worked on through the workshop for the children to demonstrate their new learning. For this lesson, this is a Jam Board.